It's not only about recycling any more.

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The issues involved in buying environmentally-responsible paper are more complicated than ever. A host of new issues are coming to the forefront for consumers and producers of paper products.

For example:

Recycled Paper News tracks the latest state and federal legislative and regulatory developments and keeps you up-to-speed on the latest recycled and environmentally-responsible paper products to hit the market. And to keep the whole recycling market loop in perspective, we'll also fill you in on what's happening in the markets for recovered scrap paper.

(For detailed analysis of the scrap paper markets, see our bi-weekly newsletter The Paper Stock Report.)

Subscription Information: Subscribe to Recycled Paper News at US$235 for 12 monthly issues (US$250 outside the U.S.) Free samples are available on request via Email, phone, fax or mail. Email requests must include a mailing address so we can send the issues to you.

Payment for subscriptions can be made by check or charge card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express)


Save money by subscribing to our exclusive Paper Recycling ONLINE package. The package includes the printed and ONLINE versions of both Recycled Paper News and The Paper Stock Report. The ONLINE versions give you the most current news before the printed newsletters are even printed. In addition, the ONLINE package gives you access to our valuable databases of U.S. and Canadian scrap paper suppliers and scrap paper consuming mills. Buy the packaging for US$308, a 10 percent savings from the regular price of $343 for the pair of newsletters.

Recycled Paper News
Ken McEntee, Editor/Publisher
13727 9815 Hazelwood Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44149-2305
Ph: (440) 238-6603
Fx: (440) 238-6712